As the ACSD family grieves the loss of our superintendent, Dr. Betty Jo Hall, we will have mental health counselors and ministers on hand at Wright Middle School for students, parents, faculty, staff, and any community members who would like to talk with someone on Monday, August 12 between the hours of 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
The trustees of Abbeville County School District will hold a Special Called Board Meeting on Monday, August 12, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. to go in Executive Session to discuss Personnel Contract at the Administrative Building, 400 Greenville Street, Abbeville, South Carolina.
Dear ACSD Family,
It is with great sadness to inform you that our beloved superintendent, Dr. Betty Jo Hall, used the wings she earned on this earth to soar to be with our Lord, her Heavenly Father, shortly after 6:00 PM last night. Please be in prayer for her husband, Wally, and her brother and sister and extended family.
The new school year is fast approaching! Please take note of the upcoming on-site registration dates for ACSD. You can register returning students online now. All new student registrations must be done at the school, however, during the on-site registration days.
ACSD Parents, we have discovered an issue with the Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Handbook on the online registration form. We are currently working to correct the issue and will provide an update once the issue has been resolved. Thank you and we apologize for the inconvenience.
ATTENTION: The Trustees of Abbeville County School District will hold a Board Workshop on Monday, August 5, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. and at 6:00 p.m. for Called Meeting/Executive Session to discuss Contractual Discussions/Negotiations related to Facility Matters/Architectural Services/Construction Management Services at the Administrative Building, 400 Greenville Street, Abbeville, South Carolina.
ACSD Parents and Students, don't forget that this weekend is Tax Free Weekend in South Carolina! Take advantage of the savings!
ACSD Parents, if you haven't downloaded our new mobile app, go to your app store and search for ACSD. Stay up to date on all of our most recent and exciting news. And, as always, you can get our latest news online at and on our Facebook/Twitter!
The public is invited to review supplemental textbooks and instructional materials for South Carolina High School Credential (SCHSC) courses that have been proposed for use in South Carolina’s public schools. For more information, please visit the link below:
REVISED: Please see the attached revised agenda for the upcoming July 23rd ACSD Board Meeting. This can also be viewed on the ACSD website ( under the Board of Trustees "Documents" section.
AHS Class of 1969 makes donation to Jennifer Erwin of Mary's Closet! Abbeville County Schools all benefit from Mary's Closet and appreciate the support of our community!
REMINDER: Online Registration and our new online payment system, eFunds, is still live. Parents, please check your email accounts for instructions on how to get registered with PowerSchool Enrollment and eFunds. For any questions, please contact David Myers at
All students enrolled in John C. Calhoun Elementary, Long Cane Primary, and Westwood Elementary may participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) breakfast and lunch program at no
charge to them. Please visit the following links for more info:
Media Release -
CEP Media Release -
Congratulations to ACSD Board Vice Chair, Brad Evans, for being named President of the SC Funeral Directors Association for 2019-20!
Proud of ACSD's Skip Hopkins! Representing all SC Middle Schools. With State Supt. Molly Spearman and SCASA's Exec. Dir. Beth Phibbs!
ATTENTION: Online Registration and our new online payment system, eFunds, is now live. Parents, please check your email accounts for instructions on how to get started with PowerSchool Enrollment and eFunds. For any questions, please contact David Myers at
ATTENTION: The Bus Drivers Training Classes (June 17 - 20, 2019) times have changed to 10:00a.m. - 1:30 p.m. (Note: Please bring your lunch)
Attention! A new on-line payment option for families in ACSD called eFunds for Schools will be available beginning Monday, June 17th. Look for the eFunds link under the Parents section on Monday, June 17th. We will also include specific login instructions in the online registration forms and in an email/text sent from ACSD. For more information, listen to the promo recording below that we did on the Southern Fried Morning Show.
Summer reading is vital to the development of your child. Parents, don’t let your child fall into the “summer slide”. Encourage them to grab a book and relax by the pool, at the beach, or at home this summer!
DXHS Seniors couldn't wait to take one last walk through the halls of Cherokee Trail and Diamond Hill Elementary. Please click on the YouTube link below to watch our video that commemorates the event.