Due to information received from the state, Abbeville County School District will be adjusting procedures for meal service. Beginning Monday, March 23rd, Abbeville County School District will provide 5 breakfast and 5 lunch meals for each child 18 and under at the following sites: Wright Middle, Cherokee Trail Elementary, Diamond Hill Elementary, and John C Calhoun Elementary School. You will be picking up breakfast and lunch for the entire week. Pick up will begin at 12:30 - 1:30 on Monday only. Students must accompany the parent or adult for pickup. Parents can bring all children 18 and under and special needs students 21 and under to receive weekly meals.
Teachers and Parents, click here for high-quality, age-appropriate lessons and materials during the current school closure. http://bit.ly/SCDEresources
On behalf of Dr. Fowler and the ACSD Team:
We would like to applaud our administrators, teachers, and staff for preparing and distributing educational resources for our students in response to the COVID-19 school closure. Because of your hard work, ACSD students now have access to several weeks’ worth of instructional materials to use at home. We appreciate the commitment of our school personnel to provide for their pupils and to make sure the educational process continues during this time of crisis.
Our cafeteria staff worked diligently this week to prepare meals for students during the school closure. Bus drivers participated by distributing meals throughout the county. Our custodians have been cleaning and sanitizing our buildings in an effort to keep everyone safe and healthy. Our district Instructional Technology and Maintenance Departments are working on projects and resolving issues as they arise. We appreciate all of your efforts to provide for our students – even with schools closed.
The ACSD community rallied together to meet the needs of its students, and we are truly grateful. We remain committed to our mission of “Putting Students First.” Thank you to all!
Please continue to support our students and one other during these stressful and uncertain times. Reach out to one of us if you have questions or need anything further.
Finally, we want to remind everyone to heed the precautions set forth by our local, state, and government officials. Please practice social distancing and appropriate safety habits to help keep your family safe.
Please see the attached letter about ACSD response to COVID-19.
ACSD COVID-19 Response - https://5il.co/dyam
WCTel has added 2 additional Wi-Fi Hot Spot locations in Abbeville County: Grace United Methodist Church, 145 Grace Dr, Abbeville, and WCTEL Remote Equipment Office, Corner of Main St (Hwy 81) and Bell St, Lowndesville. All sites are now in service except for the Lowndesville location. This site will be in service early next week.
Click on the link below for more information on WCTEL Wifi hot spots:
WCTEL Wifi Hot Spots - https://5il.co/dwkm
A great service offered by WCTEL!
In preparation for the schools closing, WCTEL has identified locations to provide free WiFi hotspots. These hotspots will enable students that do not otherwise have access to a broadband connection to complete schoolwork in an outdoor environment or from the safety of their family vehicles. The equipment has been ordered and locations have been secured. Once they complete installation, they will notify everyone. SSID: WCTEL.Hotspot You can find an updated location list at: https://www.wctel.com/wifi-hotspots/ as they are still adding additional hotspot areas.
*This is a community service not owned or managed by ACSD
Please see the most recent SCHSL update on COVID-19 below:
SCHSL COVID-19 Update - https://5il.co/dsng
Breakfast and lunch will continue to be available each day at CTE, DHE, JCCE, and WMS from 8:30-9:30 AM and 12:30-1:30 PM.
Beginning Wednesday, March 18, breakfast and lunch will be delivered to all bus riders where students are dropped off each afternoon. Routes will leave their respective schools at 12:30 each day. Meals may be delivered a little later than a student typically arrives at the bus stop. For example, on regular school days, if a student leaves his/her school at 3:00 PM and arrives at the bus stop at 3:40, this student/parent needs to be at the bus stop at 1:10 PM to receive a meal. Please give drivers a little extra time for the first few days of delivery.
Parents needing to pick up student medications may stop by the schools Monday and Tuesday to pick it up. For any questions, please contact your child's school or the district office.
Please refer to our District website for the most up to date information on COVID-19. Below are links for the COVID-19 Superintendent update for March 15th and the Alternative Learning Parent Letter.
COVID-19 Superintendent Update March 15th - https://drive.google.com/open?id=14-CgEk8B-IE7kFZs5i2tcAnkATkx-GAu
Alternative Learning Parent Letter - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lO8uPBv5p9kdvSz5ilpZf_Va7DQY1cTq
Change of Date!
ACSD's Referendum Presentation originally scheduled for April 2, 2020 at JCCE has been changed to Thursday, March 26 from 6-7:30 PM.
Westwood Elementary School is participating in One School One Book during the month of March. There was a “kick-off” on March 2nd where 5th grade students performed a skit about the book that the students would be reading. Each student, teacher, and staff member received the book, The Lemonade War. Then, all of the students got a cup of lemonade and lemon cookies from the lemonade stand. Parents are encouraged to read the assigned chapters each night with their child. The next day, a trivia question is asked and one winner from each grade is chosen. The winners receive a bag of Lemonhead candy, a yellow bracelet, and a token to the book vending machine. Each Friday, there will be special activities such as, “wear yellow day”, a poster contest, and guests from the community to read to each class. At the end of the month, there will be a winner per grade to receive a copy of the sequel, The Lemonade Crime.
CTE Chorus students were selected to perform at the South Carolina School Boards Association's (SCSBA) annual meeting this past weekend. What a wonderful performance!
The regularly scheduled Board of Trustees Meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 25th. Please see the attached agenda for more details.
The latest weather update from emergency management in Abbeville and Greenwood Counties indicates there is a high likelihood for black ice on roads tomorrow morning. ACSD will be on a 2 hour delay Friday, February 21, 2020.
We will assess the condition of roads in the morning before buses leave to ensure roads are safe for bus travel. Please check the District website and news channels for updates tomorrow morning.
The safety of our students remains our top priority.
Agenda for the Special Called Board of Trustees meeting to be held on Monday, February 17th at 6:00PM
Abbeville County School District logos and slogans are the property of the District. Individuals using these on signage and social media have not asked permission nor has the District granted permission for their use.
For the most up-to-date information on the upcoming referendum involving school facilities, please visit the news section of the district website, the ACSD Facebook page, and @AbbevilleCo on Twitter. As more information comes available, we will be posting immediately to those locations so the public is well-informed.
Facilities Update 1 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LFEMcfeBMG4fRCEPamnoeBwB5VRtEol0GtWioNEn_Pc
Facilities Update 2 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FGtSUJNqCUos_iafjhdiUiImCv-AnguVS1WcnhNStn0
Please see the attached agenda for the Special Called Board of Trustees meeting that will take place on Tuesday, February 11th.