iTECH parents, an important iTECH parent survey for K-8th grade students has been emailed to the main email address we have on file for your child(ren). Please check your email accounts and complete the survey by 10/2. Today is the last day to respond. Thank you for your help!
iTECH parents, an important iTECH parent survey for K-8th grade students has been emailed to the main email address we have on file for your child(ren). Please check your email accounts and complete the survey by 10/2. Thank you for your help!
Just another reminder that it is census time! The U.S. Census, which is conducted every 10 years, directly impacts federal funding every year for schools and communities in South Carolina. This funding impacts special education, teacher training, technology, school lunch assistance, Head Start and after-school programs. According to the Count All Kids Campaign, more than two million young children nationally were missed in the 2010 census. If we undercount children in the 2020 census, South Carolina could miss out on funding for the programs our students depend on. If you haven't completed the census yet, please do so as soon as possible!
Live stream link for the ACSD Board Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 22nd at 6:00 PM
Please see the attached agenda for the upcoming Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, September 22nd at 6pm. ***The meeting will be live streamed due to the pandemic crisis and the board room will be only open to the Board of Trustees, essential staff, and ten (10) public attendees (first come, first served). Public Participation (Public Input) is allowed and will be limited to five (5) Speakers at 3 minute intervals per Board Policy BEDH. Speakers will remain in the hallway until their respective turn, will speak for three minutes, and then exit the building unless they are part of the ten attendees allowed in the board room. The doors will open for the public no earlier than one hour before board meeting official start time. The community can access the board meeting via Live Stream. ***
Live stream link for the ACSD Board Meeting Budget Workshop scheduled for Thursday, September 17th at 5:00 PM
Just another reminder that it is census time! The U.S. Census, which is conducted every 10 years, directly impacts federal funding every year for schools and communities in South Carolina. This funding impacts special education, teacher training, technology, school lunch assistance, Head Start and after-school programs. According to the Count All Kids Campaign, more than two million young children nationally were missed in the 2010 census. If we undercount children in the 2020 census, South Carolina could miss out on funding for the programs our students depend on. If you haven't completed the census yet, please do so as soon as possible!
ACSD remembers.
Updated information on COVID-19 data for ACSD can be accessed by clicking on the attached link. You can also get guidance for persons who have had close contact with a COVID-19 case by reading the attached DHEC document.
The Abbeville Area Medical Center is providing free COVID-19 testing at various locations in the Abbeville area. Please see the attached document for more information. You can also visit the AAMC Facebook page at
Thank you to our Board of Trustees members for officially welcoming back our students. We know it's going to be another great school year!
Live stream link for the regular ACSD Board Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 25th at 6:00 PM
Please see the attached agenda for the upcoming Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, August 25th at 6pm.
***The meeting will be live streamed due to the pandemic crisis and the board room will be only open to the Board of Trustees, essential staff, and ten (10) public attendees (first come, first served). Public Participation (Public Input) is allowed and will be limited to five (5) Speakers at 3 minute intervals per Board Policy BEDH. Speakers will remain in the hallway until their respective turn, will speak for three minutes, and then exit the building unless they are part of the ten attendees allowed in the board room. The doors will open for the public no earlier than one hour before board meeting official start time. The community can access the board meeting via Live Stream. ***
Our maintenance staff has been hard at work recently with a number of improvement projects throughout the district. Please take a look at just a few capital improvement projects that they have been working on diligently. More can be viewed on our district website.
A huge WELCOME BACK to all of our students, both face-to-face and virtual! We are looking forward to another wonderful school year and your teachers can't wait to see your smiling faces. We will make this school year great together!
The PowerSchool Parent Portal is now open. Parents and students, feel free to log in to see schedules and other pertinent information.
Please see the revised agenda for the August 4th Special Called Board of Trustees meeting.
Live stream link for the Special Called Board Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 4th at 5:00 PM
There will be a Special Called Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, August 4th at 5pm. Please see the attached agenda.
Parents, due to the recent announcement by State Superintendent Molly Spearman of masks now being required in every public school building, the ACSD iTECH Academy registration deadline has been extended until Monday, August 3, at midnight.
Parents wishing to make any changes to an already submitted registration, please contact your child’s school by Monday afternoon.
Any parent in need of Internet services at home for a child enrolled in the iTECH Academy, please contact your child’s school to see if you qualify for free Internet services, provided by Abbeville County School District.