We hope to see you this evening!
Mark your calendar and make plans to join us for our Title I Math and Science Night on March 23!
These students (along with a few others not pictured) were recognized on our morning news show on Friday for being selected as class winners for February’s Math Problem of the Month. We are super proud of these all-star problem solvers!
Due to the possibility of increased winds, buses will begin routes 15 minutes early. Please be prepared for your child to arrive home early so that the buses are not delayed and will get everyone home quickly and safely.
Also, all after school activities are canceled for Abbeville County Schools, including our YMCA after school program at LCP. Stay Safe!
March Book Madness begins at LCPS this week! Please help us kick off an exciting month of book battles by wearing your favorite team gear on Wednesday, March 1.
Don't forget about our World's Finest Chocolate fundraiser that continues through February 28! This is an excellent source of funding for our school. All orders are appreciated!
Don't forget, there's no school for students tomorrow and next week is our second Intersession of the year. All students will return to school on Monday, February 27.
School counselors help students in more ways than you may know. This week we celebrate our very own Mrs. Charlene Sprowl as a part of National School Counseling Week 2023. Thank you for all you do for us here at LCPS!
Mrs. Pickens' class had the highest percentage of participation for January's Math Problem of the Month. As a reward, students made "snowmen s'mores" on Friday. We are so proud of all participants and look forward to seeing more great problem solving!
Please make note of important changes to our afterschool activities today. Stay safe this afternoon!
The January calendar is being sent home with students today. Be sure to take a look and make note of important dates and reminders!
We'll see you on January 4th!
We are so proud of these mathematicians (and a few others not pictured) who were recognized on our Morning News Show this morning as class winners for December's Math Problem of the Month!
Chick-fil-A Spirit Night is tomorrow from 5-8 pm at the mall location.
Be sure to mention LCPS when you order!
Don't forget about Literacy Night tomorrow from 5:00 - 6:30!
MAP Testing begins tomorrow! Check your child's newsletter for specific dates for their class. Be sure your child eats a good breakfast and comes to school well rested on test days.
Make plans to join us for Literacy Night next Tuesday (December 6) from 5:00 - 6:30!
Enjoy your time with your family! We'll see you on November 28.
Important information about upcoming testing is coming home in your child's folder today! Be sure to read over the details and make note of specific dates for their class.
Today, we celebrate our veterans, including our very own Mr. Glover. Thank you for your service!