November 19, 2020
Please click here for the Dixie High Varsity Basketball Stipulations for the 2020-2021 season. The guidelines are subject to change.

November 12, 2020
The Interact Club is accepting donations to help with their annual Operation Christmas Child project on Thursday, November 19, 2020 . Please donate items or money to help the stud...
November 12, 2020
Dixie High School's Student Government and Beta Club presented Hoyt Dorn with a check for $1873.38. The check will go to Abbeville County's American Cancer Society Relay for Life...
November 10, 2020
The Boys' Cross Country team won the 1A State Championship on Friday, November 6, 2020. This is their third State Championship in 6 years. Daniel Boyd placed 2nd in the state over...

October 23, 2020
Please click here to see the list of the the 2020 1st Nine Weeks' Students of the Quarters.
October 23, 2020
Please click here to see the highlights of the 2020 Homecoming game.

October 21, 2020
The student government hosted a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society during homecoming week. Participating teachers had cans at the front office for students to donate money...

September 15, 2020
Parents, please take a moment to read through the most recent updates in regards to iTECH Academy by clicking on the following link .

August 22, 2020
News Channel 7 reported from Dixie on Tuesday, August 18, 2020. Please see the attached links to view the broadcasts.
August 18, 2020
Senior Yearbook Ads Class of 2021
Senior Ads are a great way to preserve memories! Include quotes, messages, and pictures!
Ads can be purchased online between July 1 st ...

August 14, 2020
iTECH students can order meals from their zoned school. All orders must be submitted by 8:00am the morning of meal pickup. Curbside meal pickup is 10:00 - 11:00 daily for all scho...

August 10, 2020
ACSD would like to announce the Teachers of the Year from each school. We are proud of their accomplishments and excited to start a new school with this group of all-star teacher...
August 3, 2020
Please see the attached COVID-19 guidelines issued by DHEC for schools. DHEC Guidelines

July 30, 2020
Abbeville County School District’s Reopening Plan has been approved by the S.C. Dept. of Education. The plan allows for Face-to-Face instruction, 5 days a week or parents can cho...

July 29, 2020
ACSD Parents, a short video with more information about iTECH Academy is available here. Parents of students who have signed-up for iTECH or those still undecided may find the inf...

July 27, 2020
Parents, please take a moment to look over the Safety Precautions we have in place for COVID-19 at our schools. The information is linked below. ACSD COVID-19 Safety Precautions...
July 23, 2020
Please see the attached letter about registration. Registration Letter

July 17, 2020
ACSD announced its plans for re-opening schools at the special called Board of Trustees meeting on Thursday, July 16th. We are excited to give parents and students a choice betwe...