July 29, 2020
ACSD Parents, a short video with more information about iTECH Academy is available here. Parents of students who have signed-up for iTECH or those still undecided may find the inf...

July 29, 2020
Parents, Our official start date for school is August 17, 2020. Additionally, kindergarten through eighth grade students will be invited to attend school two days during the week...

July 27, 2020
Parents, please take a moment to look over the Safety Precautions we have in place for COVID-19 at our schools. The information is linked below.
ACSD COVID-19 Safety Precautio...

July 17, 2020
ACSD announced its plans for re-opening schools at the special called Board of Trustees meeting on Thursday, July 16th. We are excited to give parents and students a choice betwe...
July 15, 2020
ACSD would like to welcome Dr. Mason Gary as our new Interim Superintendent! Please read the press release below: Press Release
The Abbeville County School District Board of...

July 13, 2020
Parents, ACSD is grateful for your time and input as we move forward with plans on how to re-open schools safely. The parent survey results are now available. Your responses ha...

July 10, 2020
Parents, please remember to complete the iTECH Academy Intent Form if you are interested in your child attending ACSD's Online Academy. The Intent Form will help us in planning o...

July 10, 2020
Attention Parents! ACSD online registration for returning students will be opened July 16-July 31. The online registration is for returning students who will be enrolled as a s...

July 8, 2020
ACSD Food Service Announcement
Update on 7/9/20: DSS has established a portal for families to correct their addresses for PEBT benefits.

July 6, 2020
ACSD to Launch iTECH Academy
Students and families in Abbeville County will have an additional school option beginning this fall with the introduction of the iTECH Academy. Tec...

July 1, 2020
Parents are reminded that intra-district transfer requests must be submitted on or before August 1, 2020. Please see the attached policy below.
Intra-district Transfer Policy ...

June 4, 2020
ACSD Rising Juniors and Seniors, check out the courses offered next year through ACCC and PTC. Many more opportunities including Mechatronics! Some classes have limited seats, so...

June 2, 2020
Kindergarten - 3rd Grade Free Resources: https://scremotelearning.com/summer-learning/ Clemson University K-12 Reading Program: https://clemson.readingclasses.org/

May 1, 2020
The Abbeville Promise Scholarship is available to Abbeville County 2020 Graduates. Click here for more information.

October 1, 2019
The SC Department of Education and Education Oversight Committee released 2018- 2019 school report cards as part of the state and federal accountability system on October 1st. We ...

August 14, 2019
Congratulations to our Hope South Teacher Grant Winners! Jennifer Smith of Westwood Elementary was awarded $1000. She is planning to use the money for a fall family "camp out" o...
August 12, 2019
Abbeville County School District would like to congratulate all of our 2019 teachers of the year! We are very proud of their work throughout the school year. The school teachers...

March 12, 2019
Westwood Elementary FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) Leaders collected goodies to help homebound senior citizens in the community as part of the "Love a Senior" project thro...
January 31, 2019
A huge THANK YOU to our ACSD Board Members! January is Board Appreciation month, so enjoy this video and “Hats Off” to all of our wonderful Board members!
January 30, 2019
Abbeville High School Winners at FBLA District Leadership Conference
At the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) District Leadership Conference held on Saturday, Janua...