Multilingual Learner Program Team

Heyni Sabatino
MLP Coordinator
Phone: 864.366.5427

Allison Beaty
ML Teacher
Phone: 864.366.5427

Brantly Sabatino
ML Teacher
Phone: 864.366.5427

Multilingual Learner Program

Multilingual Learner Program Banner

About Us

The mission of the Abbeville County School District is to develop proficient, creative, self-motivated students by providing quality educational opportunities in a safe, nurturing environment that supports innovation and lifelong learning.

Our Multilingual Learner Program (MLP) is devoted to providing equal educational opportunities to students with a primary or home language other than English and identified as Multilingual Learners (MLLs). The main focus of our program is to offer an English-rich program with high-quality instructional practices designed to support Multilingual students to become proficient in English while helping them achieve challenging State Academic Standards.

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