State Accommodations & Best Practices
The Abbeville County School District Multilingual Program believes that implementing best practices and suitable accommodations, tailored to each student's performance and progress, is crucial for addressing the needs of our multilingual learners at different stages of language acquisition. We are dedicated to assisting classroom teachers in differentiating and scaffolding their instruction to provide comprehensible input, ensuring equitable access to content and the curriculum.
Multilingual Learner Instructional Accommodation and Modification Examples
Individualized Language Acquisition:
The ILAP is a legally binding document with the same importance as an IEP or a 504 plan. The Supreme Court case Lau v. Nichols (1974) and subsequent legislation from the Equal Education Opportunity Act (1974) obligate school districts to provide MLs with meaningful and equal access to the curriculum. ILAPs contain pertinent information about each ML and the specific accommodations to meet their needs. All teachers who serve the students must follow the specifications outlined in the ILAP.
MLs with an English proficiency level of ‘1.0-6.0’ or ‘A1-A3,’ whether served or waived, must have an ILAP on file reviewed and signed by each teacher serving the student. If an ML does not need accommodations to succeed in their classes, either an ILAP or other form of documentation must be signed by all teachers to acknowledge the student is an ML, but no accommodations are needed at the time.
The plan will address the students’ accommodations in all classes to ensure their success and continued English language development. The ILAP should be created in conjunction with the MLPT, which includes members directly involved with the student’s education (e.g., MLPS/teacher, parent/guardian, general education teacher, guidance counselor, administrator, and the student).
ILAPs can be accessed through ELLevation